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Neur Tours
Neur Tours
Neur Tours
Neur Tours
Neur Tours
About Neur TourS
Neur Tours (pronounced “Noor”, as in short for ‘EntrepreNEUR’) is an adventure travel company focused on business owners and entrepreneurs interested in going on a life-altering adventure.
At the same time, they’ll enjoy and benefit from the company of like-minded leading business men and women, using the ‘masterminding” concept to help each other formulate new and creative breakthrough business ideas.
Our tours will offer physical challenges of various intensities, combined with plenty of stationary recovery time to focus on collective business ideas.
In the digital era, the amount of information coming at us 24/7 can completely stifle our business creativity, and these “unplugged” trips allow our guests to step away from the craziness of their day-to-day lives, giving them a chance to liberate and refresh their thinking, while challenging their bodies and taking in amazing sensory experiences.
Our goal is to have every participant walk away with a renewed spirit, fresh ideas, and huge energy to inject back into their businesses when they return home.
The payback can be exponential!
Come join us on our next adventure!
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This weeklong adventure starts in sunny Orlando, Florida where we’ll meet at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International. From there, we’ll drive over to the east coast and prepare to pedal from the Crowne Plaza Oceanfront Resort in Melbourne. We’ll make our way down to Vero Beach, Jupiter Beach, Boca Raton and then Miami Beach.
Climb the tallest mountain in Africa, and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world! Come join up with an adventurous group of fellow business owners as we tame the Marangu Route, reaching the summit of 19,341 feet in five days. Fear not, the ascent is much more hiking than technical climbing.
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Views of the Grand Canyon

A Lifetime of Hope and Regret